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Things to Remember When S**t Hits The Fan

Writer's picture: WendyneWendyne

Some things to remember... in times of chaos, craziness or when the S### hits the fan, so to speak... a mini intro to the Quantum Universal Laws.

I have had the good fortune to have been on this earth for a good amount of time so far - Enough time to have experienced the earth changes, consciousness rising, and human beings taking on new beliefs that are changing the Universe.  Yes, these times seem horrific in many ways as if the world were coming to an end.  Yes, the old world as we have known it IS coming to an end, as we - especially those conscious creators, are ushering in a new world.  And these are amazing times!  How amazing for me that I have been a part of it, and continue to be.  I plan to stay around for the shift. I love it.

Of course, when things change and intense stressors appear in all forms, there is human fear, pain, change, chaos, and struggle to put it mildly.  These are the times to remember, learn and practice new ways of being as never before.

And where do we turn to?  What is going on?  What is the truth?  What is happening to me?  Ok.  Now it is more important than ever to remember the Quantum Universal Laws that govern our universe. These truths apply to everything.  They are relevant in all matters and it would not make sense to  practice or remember them only in certain circumstances.  That might be like saying, I have gravity at my house - but not when it rains.

I have been teaching the Universal Truths for 35 years.  They have never failed me and have forever proven themselves to be true for me as an individual, teacher, therapist and family/community member. Quantum science has also proven these principles of energy and information during the time I have been working and experiencing my life and work. They are imprinted in my soul and I live by these truths in all areas of my life, especially in the middle of chaos or uncomfortable life situations.  (This includes times when the shit hits the fan.)

These most amazing laws are indeed the secrets of the universe, and explain how everything works.  They are quantum science, spirituality, education, philosophy, love, nature, God, spirit - and the great mystery of life.  I came here with instructions to teach them as I assist humans toward higher consciousness.

Today, I am most grateful for the knowledge of these perfect guiding principles  - and for the wisdom around them that I have learned and practiced through the ages. When one invites these ways of being and believing into the heart with trust and passion, one can live a life in higher vibrational frequencies with greater peace, joy and much love.

They are things to remember always and especially right now, during this amazing healing and transformational time on earth:

  1. Everything is right on schedule.  Life is right on schedule. What is happening now is not a random event.

  2. There is a reason and purpose for all I am going through right now, designed by my higher Self in co-creation with the Universe and everyone else involved.  There is a reason and purpose for all that is happening on the planet earth right now, designed by the collective consciousness of all beings.

  3. What I give attention to grows.  What I take my attention away from dissolves. (Where is my attention?)

  4. What I fight, fear, give energy and react to in my world, I also connect, attach and resonate with - giving attention to and creating more of it, for me and the whole Universe. (Oh no!)

  5. Whatever I am imagining often - I fire and wire together in my brain/consciousness and eventually create as my energy attracts like energy.  (Am I imagining what I want or what I don’t want?)

  6. All that I want can be mine. My word is a command.  It is a vibration in tone, which creates. (Nice to know.)

  7. When there is fear of death within me, my survival brain, beliefs, patterns, actions and re-actions are activated and I move out of my higher divine self-healing Self.  I may then forget the Universal Laws with blame, shame, anger and resentment toward people or groups of people becoming the victim and losing my creative power thus lowering my immune system.

  8. I am free when I stay neutral and do not take things personally or identify with words, judgements, predictions or images of what I see in my world.

  9. How I process my life - my pain, fear, illness, and challenges will make my life heaven or hell.  I decide.

  10. I create my reality through the energy of my beliefs, thoughts, feelings and patterns.

  11. When I surrender my reactions, tension, and fear of the unknown, I send out a vibration of trust and peace and attract back more of the same.

  12. The answers are inside me.  And, I must dream and imagine whatever I am here to create and bring into this physical reality.

  13. When I dream and imagine my life as I want it to be, information, situations, experiences and people will come to me in a natural way and I will begin to live my dream.  I no longer have to figure things out or think of the “how”.  It will just happen. (Really?)

  14. Ask every problem, challenge, disease, virus or painful life situation why it is here for you right now.  Thank it for coming instead of resisting or pushing the experience away.  You can gently let it know that it may go now in peace and love.  In this way, you become one with all things, you will rise to a new vibration and way of being -  and you will always be okay.

  15. You can choose to live in a higher place and with a higher consciousness as you continually commit to your own healing and transformation, in constant awareness, aligning your thoughts with love instead of fear. This is connecting to the Universal Laws, connecting to nature and these divine secrets of the Universe.

  16. I will die when it is my time to leave and not a minute earlier.  I trust this as much as every other non random event.

  17. We are all part of evolving and re-birthing a new earth as well as my Self.  Destruction before creation.  Duality before oneness.

  18. A time of peace, joy and love for the earth is in our future. All is well.

Many people are unable to practice or believe these universal truths completely because the body is holding seed thoughts, from childhood conditioning and indoctrination, which may counter such ideas.

The body holds stored biographical trauma and memories causing one to react from this biological blueprint stored in the limbic system - becoming the unconscious operating system. So, it is not always easy to just react differently, or be able to apply the Universal Laws in times of fear and mass panic.

These are amazing times because all of this is changing!  The old conditioned program that lives in our psyche, our nervous system, brain and body is transitioning to a new system based on love.

Yes.  This is happening.  The consciousness of human beings is rising to a new frequency of love - healing and transforming in all ways at all times now, as the energy of love is taking over.

Most of us have had to release our old programming and re-pattern our nervous systems in order to truly live and practice the Universal Laws.  In this case, know that you may need to heal the past and engage a transformation process. There is a way. There is a how. Healing the past is necessary so that the energy you are holding can be expressed and released. When your body is cleared out of old toxic beliefs, thoughts, pain and trauma, you can then do what is asked here.

You can do it. Anyone can do it. As you hold the intention to heal and override your biological imprint, you will become the master of your energy, effort and power. You will be able to protect your energy and be able to respond by choice rather than react from your buried activated memories. As you are willing to transform, the way will be open to you.

And so it is, I can get through everything.

Much love,❤️

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