You may have learned by now that I love to talk and teach about the Universal Laws or Principles as the Secrets of the Universe… sounding much more enticing than laws or principles. In fact, so many people resist such things, whereas secrets take us into the dimension of the mystery, the unseen world, which human beings love to explore and wonder about. And yes, crow will take us there directly.
Truly, these ideas and teachings have been a bit secret, sitting in the middle of the heart, waiting to be remembered. They were always there. These secrets are universal as they have shown up in all cultures, religions, races, philosophy, education, psychology, science, business… set forth in all different kinds of ways and teachings.
In the early days of my own personal earth journey, I began to remember... weeping when I heard them spoken, read about them or even felt them in a great movie or book of fiction. I always knew these things deep inside me but no-one was really teaching me yet. I just knew.
The Universal principles/laws have also been referred to as Spiritual Principles or Truths, meaning that they affect our spirit, the non-physical aspect of Self - the metaphysical. What’s more - underneath it all is quantum physics, the science of energy and matter, mathematics, vibration and frequency.
Either way, and whatever you want to call them - the Secrets of the Universe are sacred to me - spiritual, universal principles, scientific laws and truths that teach us how the universe works. When we understand and awaken to how everything works, we can work with it - rather than being immune or unconscious and become the master or our own energy to create extraordinary lives.
Will these principles change your belief system? Maybe. Hopefully. Beautifully. Yes. AND, as always, you decide what you believe. You will know if these principles connect and resonate to an inner knowing. You will know right away if you desire to release some old negative beliefs about this world, people, places and things and replace with principles of love, excitement and unlimited possibilities.
Remember - What you believe causes you to have a thought, and this thought causes you to have feelings. The thoughts have form and become manifested in what you call reality. What you hold in your mind comes to pass sooner or later. So, what you believe about this Universe and how it works is of utmost importance, as your whole reality and physical existence will manifest from your beliefs.
I have noticed that as I have come to understand and live these principles, I have built a foundation and trust in them. They always work. Did I forget to say - they are running the whole show? We will get to that.
You already know the Universal Truths as they are deep within you. It is only that you will now have the opportunity to remember what you already know - move it all into your consciousness, and I promise you will never forget them again. Your body will tell you when you hear that which you know is so. You might have a bodily reaction, validating the truth as you hear and know it.
Your beliefs and attitudes affect every single aspect of your life. Now is the time for you to become clear about your own beliefs. Now is the time to discover the truths inside you. Your power is unlimited when you understand power, creation and the Universal Law. You are invited now to enter into the mystery, to understand how the universe works.
The Secrets of the Universe will teach you a way of thinking and believing, that will help you create a life of peace, love, happiness, abundance and power - as you read, listen and learn, you will know deep inside what is real for you.
As this is an introduction to the Universal Principles, I will list them for you here as a sneak preview, then each one will be discussed more in full over the next few weeks in this section of my stories.
This I do for you. My purpose and path is to guide and love people through these times, healing and transforming old patterns, trauma, and pain toward an extraordinary life, as the crow flies. Universal laws are principles by which this Universe is governed. The ultimate purpose of my work is to teach people how to live in the energy of love and abundance through these amazing secrets of the Universe. Here we go!
#1 - The Law of Creation and Evolution - Everything has been created for a greater purpose and is moving toward wholeness, healing and transformation as you and this entire earth are evolving. There is a divine order in this universe and a causative power, which may be called God, Universe, Spirit, Source, Creator, Higher Power, Energy, Love, Divine, Great Mystery and many other names. Your life and challenges are in divine order, painful or joyful. There is no coincidence that you are experiencing all that you do and have. Life is not random, rather there is an energy of love and energy underneath it all. Trust the universe now and know there is a bigger story.
#2 - The Law of Manifestation: Your thoughts, feelings and imagining are very powerful and create your life experiences. They are a creative force, which connect to like energy on the earth, resonating with experiences, people, places and things that are vibrating at the same frequency. Thus, human beings are always co-creating with the energy in the Universe. Whatever you give your attention to will grow stronger and whatever you take your thoughts away from will disappear.
Your words create your future. What you imagine over and over creates new realities. You attract more of what you believe, think, feel, imagine and express - all of this becoming your dominate vibrational frequency. Some people give too much time and thought about what they do not want, complaining, worrying and living with negative frequencies - sadly then attracting more of that. Keep your thoughts sacred, seal them in your heart, so that they will build energy and multiply.
#3 - The Law of Opposites: Everything has an opposite. There is an effect of every action or cause. There are two poles or opposites to everything in our life, each attached to the same theme. There is a positive active side and a negative reactive side to things. There is light and there is darkness, there are mountains and valleys, hot and cold… this is the way the Universe was created. There is also a third part, the passive or the middle path.
As a human being, part of you lives in high frequencies of positivity, compassion and love yet another part of you may be just the opposite - experiencing a reactive side with lower vibrational frequencies of fear, shame, and anger - polar opposites. Reaction is always about the past as your body and mind are re-membering, re-acting, re-living, re-feeling old wounds, patterns and pain. When you live on this side you are never free.
With healing and transformation, one can learn to walk the middle path, healing the dualism within, a main reason we are here on the planet earth. Here we can discover our soul, who we are and we are not. Then we get to manifest more and more in peace and love, move from all or nothing, good or bad, right or wrong, thinking. The goal is to experience a balanced life, where we can share our feelings, right in the middle of it all, honoring ourselves and all living beings. And eventually, this will bring peace on earth. That is what these times are all about.
#4 - The Law of Impartiality and Separation: When you let go of your attachment to what you think you want or need in this life, you will have it. When you become impartial and separate from outcomes you do not like, or efforts to control people, places, things and the way something is happening - you will be free as well as getting more of what you really want. This law says in order to have what you want in life, you must let go of your attachment to it. This or something better, so they say.
Our main challenge with this law is that we think we know how something should end up, be or look. And, sometimes the Universe has another greater plan for us. The act of giving up your attachment and becoming impartial is very powerful. This includes letting go of judgement, criticism, defending and being right. When you live this way you are vibrating energy of trust and you are living without fear willing to discover your individual adventure, mission and purpose in life.
#5 - The Law of Energy, Effort and Power: This law is about the flow and spontaneity of life, the energy, effort and power you give to your life experiences and challenges. There is no such thing as failure; rather we experience the flow in and the flow out. Everything is part of the evolution of our soul.
This law suggests you take notice of the spontaneity of life and nature and become this yourself. How you are being with others is also part of this law: When you seek power or control over other people in your life, you are leaking your energy, expending much effort and wasting energy. Seeking power or control is about fearing that you need something you don’t have. When you practice this law you are asked to let go of blaming yourself or someone else for your life experiences. Look for a new response to the same situation. Allow the people in your life who seem to torment you or make you angry, be the teacher or the carrier of a message for you.
Begin to see the divine inside every person and know that at some level this person is a messenger, teaching you something. Don't kill the messenger. Conserve your energy, effort and power by walking the middle path and staying in balance.
#6 - The Law of Vibration and States of Being: The Universe is a system of the harmony and balance of vibration. Everything has a vibration - light and sound, wave lengths, the inflow and outflow from the planets, the moon, the stars, music and color. The Universe is a system of harmonics and the vibrations influence and govern the individual body, mind and soul. You will develop and advance spiritually as you become aware of vibration and states of being. The higher the level of vibration, the more evolved you become.
Your thoughts are vibrational frequencies of energy and information that is going out to the Universe. You will always attract to you people and experiences that match your vibration and state of being. Your feelings energize the vibration. The more beauty and love you see and feel, the more love and beauty you will attract to you and the more you evolve. The more you evolve, the higher you vibrate. Your higher vibration gives you new perceptions and paradigm shifts, which will bring you expanded love and joy. Anxiety and fear are tense emotions, which keep a person connected to the emotional plane, not the higher planetary dimensions where dreams come true.
Take on a state of LOVE. Love the people you are having challenges with; wish love and joy for those around you. If you allow your thoughts, words, feelings and images to continue on with the same familiar ways of thinking from the limited, narrow and finite, you will attract again the same form and will be repeating the old order of limitation over and over again.
#7 - The Law of One: You are here on the planet Earth on a mission to discover who you really are and who you are not. You are a spiritual being in a human body. Your human body is here to help you evolve your soul and to remember that you are connected to the whole, part of the entire universe.
The process of life involves the constant breaking up of something and is known as death and re-birth. You will learn the lessons of this life for your soul unfoldment as old parts of your psyche die – our human ego dies as we become more directed by spirit. Something has to die in order for you to have new thought or a new vision or cycle. Change is the only thing that is constant. Being alive is about being in the death and rebirth process all the time. When you have consciousness of this and all Universal Principles, you are free.
You came here with special abilities and qualities, which only you have in the way that you have them. Your abilities, talents and strengths are very unique. You will come to know people who are attracted to those unique qualities. As you heal and transform, it is important to discover this part of yourself and express it.
This law also says that other people are really only mirrors of you. You can know yourself through your being and relationship with others – that is how we know ourselves. You will love or hate someone only as a reflection of something you love or hate about yourself. Relationships are a place to heal your past, because they will be a re-enactment of your family of origin love relationships. Your relationships will match your inner condition. You are here for a great purpose, which will be revealed to you little by little as you evolve.
There you have it… an introduction to the Secrets of the Universe, the Principles that govern our world… more fully to be revealed. Stay tuned.
And so it is - the journey deepens.
Much love, ❤️
