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HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL! This year I am excited about my new course on DailyOM - Understanding Addiction. I will be posting some ideas from the course. You can go to DailyOm and do the course for $15. I love DailyOm and the opportunities for healing, transformation and education. We are helping people heal ADDICTION in Soulville, Stuart, Florida through our Imagine Recovery healing process as we apply all this knowledge.

As we begin - it is important to contemplate the idea and spiritual principle known as the Law of Attraction. Quantum Physics teaches us that the universe is really energy and information. This includes ourselves - we are energy and information as we are part of the universe.

Energy can be measured, photographed, felt, seen, touched and sensed. Energy has SUBSTANCE; it can be CREATED or DIMINISHED. Your THOUGHTS ARE ENERGY, literally creating whatever you think about through their power, focus and repetition. The thought goes out into the Universe and the feelings associated with it magnetize back whatever it is you are giving energy to. Yes, your feelings become magnets.

Whatever you give attention to in your life will grow stronger. Whatever you take your attention away from will disappear. In order to manifest what you desire, your body must be free from tension, worry and energy blockages. Being involved with addicted persons and being addicted to your own behaviors around addiction most often will ensure you are not free of such feelings and energy blockages.

This concept is paramount if you are to understand the big picture of addiction. The Law of Attraction not only applies to creating all your dreams, but is the very reason people often do not create all their dreams. The good news is that you get what you think and feel about constantly; and the bad news is that you get what you think and feel about constantly.

Do YOU feel stuck in the muck of the many aspects of the addiction dynamic - as family, friend, parent, child, spouse or addict in any way?

As you grasp this Law of Attraction and it’s connection to addiction, you will eventually have incredible awareness of how your own thoughts and feelings shape your life, and you can begin to master your programmed responses to the world, people, situations and addiction itself.

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