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Inspired Vision

I was teaching my class tonight - doing an exercise in "discovering a deep hidden belief actually creating and attracting my current challenge" .... and surprisingly discovered the same for myself. (Certainly and surely I am ever healing and transforming ... moving to the next place of my own evolution. Always.)

In any case, I discovered my old childhood wound and core program of fearing that "something will be taken away from me.... food, love, even life... that I will never have what I really want, that it cost too much, and I must stay small (or be big instead) .... old infant trauma from cesarian delivery and sugar baby formula and Dr. Spock with a message of "feeding on a schedule and not holding your baby too long" conditioning. (Baby Boomers Syndrome maybe).

In my current moment then - realizing I must reverse this deep imprint once again with consciousness and practice....changing it to "I am ready for my NEXT ME. And then the unconscious fear was surprisingly evoked and came to light for me. Thank God.

And I am grateful for that. And now I declare: I commit to my work as a positive evolutionary - a bringer of change! I am charging forward, personally burning out any obstacles in my way. I shed my old, sad, infant program and rebirth. I now am willing to walk into the alchemical fire with spiritual insight and vision using my intuition and perception. I trust myself. And truly leave behind the fear of not having enough, holding on, not being connected or loved and not losing what I do have.

I am evolving and changing at a deep core level in this new cycle of my life. I am not willing to edit or hold back who I am anymore in any way. I am ready now to fully express my vision and inspiration. I now mobilize all energy to actualize my vision and mission. I am mastering my visions and moving in new directions.

On this day, I am inspired to experience and live in my inspired vision and to not hold back my true Self in any way. And so it is for me.

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