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I Am Right On Schedule

Principle #31 From Intimacy Without Responsibility - the Conscious Evolution of Love -

As I continue to learn and embrace these principles, I am free. I discover that everything is happening for a reason, and I am right on schedule.

Many have been living uninformed, in a prison of fear, denying self expression—in doubt, confused, feeling separated from the very energy that created the universe. I can change my reality as I change my belief system, as I change my perception. I am that I am that I am.

Because you learned everything that you are doing, thinking, feeling, being, you can re-learn. You can re-program all old toxic messages that you came to believe about yourself or about love (that do not work.) Communication patterns and ways of seeing and being with your significant others were imprinted during your womb, birth and early childhood years.

“I know that I am right on schedule with my issues and experiences. I could not have done this or learned it any earlier—nor could anyone else. My old pain experiences and ways of perceiving have come to a place that desires change. The universe moves in cycles of death and re-birth— and that is what is happening to me now. I am dying to my old way of being with you in relationship. I am going through a natural cycle of change, just like the change of seasons in nature.

When I really embrace these principles and this work on Self, I am free. I am free to love someone without taking responsibility for him or her. I am free to experience pain and not blame anyone—and not blame myself for problems. I am free to be real and free to express everything inside me. I can look at problems in a way that empowers me rather than keeps me victimized by society or someone else. I realize I am just in my own personal relationship cycle, having started at the beginning, moving through the middle on to the end... real love.”

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