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As we begin the Inspiration phase of The Imagination Process™ this week in Soulville we open to or remember the idea of INTENTION.

Intention is a powerful force that reverberates at the deepest levels of our being and consciousness that literally sets in motion universal energies that conform to the intention. My intention becomes a conscious template for the Universe to work with. When I decide upon my next intention, I am putting in my order to the Universe.

When I get clear about my next intention, I am selecting the experiences I would like to have in my life...selecting the people I want in my community of intimates...selecting my abundance or lack. I have the power to select what I desire to experience next from the quantum field of all possibilities - the place of no limitation. When I focus upon my intention, I become the master of my creations. I do prefer to be the master of my creations instead of living by my old default programs, habits and patterns.

As I re-mind myself of this once again, I am teaching people how to do this one step at a time. I feel excited about my own next creation and so love the healing and transformation process. And so it is!

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