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All Possibilities

Whatever you give attention to in your life will grow stronger. Whatever you take your attention away from in your life will disappear. In order to manifest what you desire, your body must be free from tension, worry and energy blockages. As you focus on your desires in a relaxed way through meditation, writing, speaking, and dreaming, you begin to attract like energy from the field of energy in the universe which are ALL POSSIBILITIES.

In other words, THE ENERGY FROM THE UNIVERSE IS INFLUENCED by your thoughts and by the power of your focusing. Because your body is also energy and information, you are not separated from the rest of the universal energy and information. In this way, you can attract energy consciously. Then, things begin to happen!

Actually, you have at your command the whole world of SOLID OBJECTS, but you may not have known how this works. The Universe will arrange the solid objects, situations and people in your life to come together to MATCH your intentions in some way. This is why it is important TO SEE ALL THINGS AS PERFECT and to have gratitude for everything. It is only the LOWER SYSTEM which holds “us to the idea that something is GOOD OR BAD.

Your perception or attitude about your life and the events in your life create your future. No matter what is happening or not, your perception creates the next thing rather than the world or other people creating the next thing. Your life situations are part of a whole system which originates or is created by your thoughts, perceptions, attitudes and feelings. As you understand this principle you can begin to perceive all your life situations as part of a whole, as a manifestation you created. Because of this principle, you will soon realize that you are truly the Master of your life."

And so it is!

Excerpt From: MA Limber. “The Journey Deepens.” iBooks.

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